by Lingoda Team
Updated on April 2, 2024
Why should you join the Lingoda Sprint? Who could answer this question better than someone who has successfully finished it? We talked to Leah Wei, who graduated with an Honours Degree in Design after studying at York University and Bauhaus Universität, Leah is now focusing full-time on growing her YouTube channel. Using her creative background in branding, UX, illustration, and modelling, Leah creates beautiful content. Curious by nature and adventurous in spirit, she’s always filled with new ideas and interests. Her dream is to build a nomadic lifestyle to soak in all that the world has to offer. We at Lingoda have been partnering with her since May 2020 and we are so excited that she finished our French language Sprint last year and that we could support her lead a remote lifestyle with our flexible online classes.
I took my first Sprint Summer of 2020. It was a Super Sprint but I wanted to take it casually and have fun so I jumped around different classes and levels but ultimately ended up in B2.2!
My second sprint was a regular Sprint in the Spring of 2021 but funnily enough I found it easier doing the Super Sprint since I never needed to remember which dates I had class because I had one everyday! It became a daily habit that was like muscle memory.
I had just graduated from design school and had no idea what I wanted to do next. I’d always been interested in languages but hadn’t gotten the time to really dive into it. When I first saw Lingoda’s sprint format, I felt really inspired to sign-up. It felt like an all-or-nothing challenge (which it really isn’t – you learn so much whether or not you win!) I was planning to move to Montréal in the Fall and I also had family in France so I figured improving my French would be a great place to start on re-starting my language journey.
I really fell for the challenge format! Consistency had always been a struggle for me so having a program that incentivized me to study daily with a cashback reward kept me extremely motivated, more so than I did at school since I would often show up late haha… It was only an hour a day so it also felt very feasible. And being online, I could roll out of bed and to my computer in one swift movement!
My summer schedule was super unstructured and all over the place. Some days I would hangout with friends, other days I would visit my parents or stay home all day so I really appreciated being able to choose whether I would take the classes in the morning, afternoon, or right before bed. I usually booked my class a day or two in advance, sometimes even day of (I wasn’t picky with what courses or levels were available.)
…really proud of myself! I proved to myself, with enough drive and persistence I could show up for myself every single day to keep improving a part of me! I’m the type of person to set a New Year’s resolution and forget about it two weeks in so this was a big accomplishment for me.
After completing my Sprint, I moved to Montréal and have been using my language skills around the city and practicing with friends. I think it’s important to make an effort to learn the language of the place you move to, even if it’s not perfect, the gesture will always be appreciated by others.
My proudest moment would have to be filming vlogs in French on my channel! I used to feel shy speaking French but Lingoda really helped boost my confidence and now I can film entire YouTube videos in French, expressing my feelings and taking viewers throughout my day whether I’m at home, with friends, or creating in the studio!
Set an alarm (or two!) 10 minutes before every single class you take. I knew forgetting a class would potentially be the biggest challenge since my mind is usually all over the place. Of course, everyone is different so read through the Sprint rules document very carefully, taking special care to note down the areas you think you could possibly fall through on.
Just do it! Make a list of your language goals, why you’re learning it, and just jump in! It’s always the first step that’s the hardest but the decisions we make in the moment have an immense impact on our future. Just by signing up for a 3-month learning experience, you could be moving towards a more adventurous, cultured and connected future for yourself