Language resources for German learners

Young woman sits at her laptop writing a text using German quotation marks

Oct 06, 2023

How to use German quotation marks

The way quotation marks are used — and even how they look — can vary from language to language. German...

Smiling woman sits on the couch with her laptop studying the German conditonal sentences

Oct 06, 2023

How to form and use conditional sentences in German

Conditional sentences in German can look intimidating at first sight, but they’re not so difficult. As an English speaker, you...

A young woman with a bike talking to a male friend using Swisss German phrases

Sep 22, 2023

9 useful Swiss German phrases for your stay in Switzerland

If you’re coming to Switzerland for work, being able to communicate with locals is key. And you’ll soon find that...

An African woman describing a person in German to someone else

Sep 22, 2023

Describing a person in German: Words you need to know

While we hope that you won’t ever have to give testimony to a crime in Germany, the ability to accurately...

A man with a laptop sitting across a woman asking basic German questions

Sep 08, 2023

How to ask basic German questions

Basic German questions are not so different from basic German sentences. You’ll need to change the word order and add...

Awoman in her kitchen learning the rooms of the house in German

Jul 21, 2023

The rooms of the house in German: A quick guide

Learning the names for the rooms of the house in German can help you out in many everyday situations. Imagine...

A woman with her laptop studying the negation in German

Jun 23, 2023

Negation in German: Kein vs. nicht

Negation in German is centered around three words: nein for no, kein for no/none and nicht for no. Confused yet?...

YOung woman sitting on a couch with her laptop making the German gestures of pressing her thumbs

Jun 14, 2023

The 7 most common German gestures explained

German gestures aren’t as pronounced as the gestures you might encounter in a more exuberant country like Italy. But that...

Three friends looking at a smartphone laughing about aggressive German words

Jun 12, 2023

5 aggressive German words and what they mean

German is often described as an angry or rough-sounding language. Compared to other languages that are softer to the ear,...

Young woman sits at her laütop taking an online course about superlatives and comparatives in German

Jun 02, 2023

Faster, better, stronger: Comparatives and superlatives in German

Comparatives in German look quite familiar: We know the positive, comparative and superlative adjectives from English and even the comparative...

Indian woman taking an online class where she practices German pronunciation

May 25, 2023

5 tips to improve your German pronunciation

Are you afraid of having a conversation in German? With this short guide to German pronunciation, there’s no need to...

Bowl of fruits on a wooden table that people will learn to say in German

Apr 24, 2023

20 of the most delicious fruits in German

When thinking about a tropical country, Germany may not be the first one to pop to mind. Still, it has...